Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mick West

I feel like you have been getting a lot of sh*t in the last couple days Mick West, with Gary Nolan setting off #UFOTwitter.

I just wanted to say you are doing a great job and to keep it up :-)

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Mick, Ryan would prefer if you just “Trusted him brah!!”

Hopefully the “trained observer” will observe this excellent write up and reply. We know he won’t, because “the data don’t exist, Graves is on the grift”

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Just been reading your latest pinned Tweet on Gimbal, Flir1 and Gofast in relation to the new AARO website ... "Gimbal doesn't rotate, GoFast goes slow, and FLIR1 makes no sudden moves." - you say. But no expert involved in the systems looking at these objects or any of the F-18 pilots involved at the time agree. I honestly wonder and are concerned whether you need some help, as this would be "denialism".

If you know you're wrong that's another issue. What would you be doing this for?

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Very well put. Thanks.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

Two points that are factually incorrect in your recent New York Post article.

1. "Official videos, such as the “Gimbal” rotating flying saucer in 2017, or the “Go Fast” anomalous craft in 2018, turned out to more likely be planes and balloons."

Re Gimbal Lt. Ryan Graves said this, my comment above,

Mick "disregards all pilot testimony… which is very clear that [the ‘Gimbal’] object is within 10 miles of the aircraft that observed it, not 30 miles." Note F-16 pilot Chris Lehto showed quite simply using geometry around 10 miles is the correct option. Also the scientist who Tweets as @the_cholla and the analyst Marik von Rennenkampff are submitting their analysis to a conference at the AIAA shortly and their analyses of Gimbal have been considered worthy by Lt. Graves. It is noted you are not presenting.

Re Go Fast you have also been shown to be incorrect in the analysis by the scientist @the_cholla

and other analysts.

2. "A leaked UAP Task Force slide from 2021 was labeled as supposedly showing two unidentified triangular craft, but actually only showed out-of-focus stars."

Dr. Travis Taylor has never said there were not stars visible for this case, but what *was* unexplained he said was the blink rate of one object moving across the field of view (also pointed out by F-16 pilot Chris Lehto early on) which did not match any aeroplane. Besides your point above ignores the full context of the sightings.

In short, you are omitting vital facts (I'm afraid this has been pointed out to you many times before by others). You need to explain yourself here, which scientifically is very serious.

Again, I would suggest presenting your theories with *all* the data to peer-review, not cobble together a point of view lacking facts.

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It's been occurring to me looking extensively at Steven Greenstreet's (of the New York Post) very recent tweet history that not only is he rubbishing the science experiments and results at Skinwalker Ranch but that there may be an attempt here to shut down the experiments. Would this be only him operating here or could others be involved as backers? People behind him. As we've seen, these experiments challenge directly our view of reality with the presence of some kind of subtle and interacting intelligence (it's been termed a "precognitive sentient intelligence") in situ - also with extended effects over space (the "hitchhiker" effect). Would you support shutting down the Ranch and surely you too have a team of backers? Would they?

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"Entitlement" in respect of the UAP issue has crossed my mind of late. So Brandon Fugal said this (3 April 2023 on Twitter) in respect of the NMEA text files re the bottle drop experiment over the ranch (the bottles got deflected off course dropped from a helicopter while in the air over the "triangle area", as if hitting an invisible object, when winds could not account for this) ...

"Although we obviously engage with the public, organizing & submitting terabytes of data regarding every event is a bit more involved. I also find the level of "entitlement" [my emphasis] a bit disheartening, especially when observing completely disingenuous, premature & inaccurate critiques."

While real scientists in the investigation (Erik Bard, Dr. Travis Taylor etc.) at Skinwalker Ranch have analysed this and will further have to if peer-review and publication occurs, release of partial data such as this to the "public" will only confuse the issue and create tabloid style results. A general blogger outside these actual studies has no right to such data therefore. He/she has no entitlement.

I also wonder about entitlement and the British character, entitlement and the debunker, and the frustration that results when being actively ignored by scientists and researchers. We must be on the alert for motives.

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Well, you certainly have chutzpah West and your technique is interesting this time. And a quick article on what you see as relevant in the news. But, and as you well know, at this point in the conversation everything has moved on from this kind of "approach", shall we say, with the US Gov NDAA having a "Science Plan", the AIAA UAP group with Lt. Graves lead, the Galileo Project and other initiatives and pilots like Lt. Cdr. Alex Dietrich and others briefing Congress members.

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